In this blog we an see how to upload facebook videos using telegram bot here is the screen shots of the bot

To upload youtube videos using telegram bot click here
To upload files to google drive using telegram bot click here

bot link: apiv3_bot

bot commands

/flogin - login with facebook api

/reflogin - login with facebook api

/refauth - re-auth page token

/fupload - upload videos to facebook



  1. create developer account
  2. create app and get clientid , client sercet
  3. get page api token
  4. login with bot
  5. upload public videos using bot

How to create a facebook developer account?

first you need to login with your facebook account then go to and create new developer account ( see video if you have any issues)

Before upload you need to get these 3 things 

  1. App id
  2. App secret
  3. Page api token

how to get facebook App id and App secret

Then press app setting and select basic you will see App id and App secret do not share app secret with others
Make sure your app is live to upload public videos (add any private policy link)

now you successfully got your App id and App secret 

How to get Facebook Page Api token

Go to and add these permissions

  1. publish_video
  2. pages_manage_cta
  3. pages_show_list
  4. business_management
  5. pages_read_engagement
  6. pages_manage_posts

Then press generate access token and give facebook access permission to your app

Don't copy user token, select page token and select your page (create page if you don't have one)

After give api access to page you will see your page api token. select it and copy

now you successfully got your  Facebook Page Api token

How to login you Facebook Api with Telegram bot 

Type /flogin 
bot will ask api id App secret Page, Api token
enter your apis generated before

After bot will say login success , if you get any error you may entered wrong Api info

How to upload videos to facebook using telegram bot

type /fupload <reply to a video or gif file>
/fupload <direct video url>

(see example image above)

How to upload public videos using api

Go to apps and make you app live make sure you added private policy url for your app 

This is how you can upload facebook videos using telegram bot if you have any issues watch youtube video or ask in comment!